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The Rutgers Race & the Law Review welcomes unsolicited manuscripts and considers them on a rolling basis.


We strongly prefer submissions via the online submission service, ExpressO.


If you must submit a hard copy, please mail your submission to: 


Managing Articles Editors 
Rutgers Race & the Law Review 
Rutgers Law School
Journal Suite, 3rd Floor 
123 Washington Street 
Newark, NJ 07102 
(973) 353-1079


The Rutgers Race & the Law Review emphasizes that our journal has no minimum or maximum page requirements for submissions. However, we also strongly believe that the vast majority of law review articles can convey their arguments effectively in 40-70 journal pages (between 20,000 and 35,000 words including text and footnotes) and encourage authors to target the lengths of their submissions to this range. We welcome submissions of various formats, including essays, articles, and book reviews.


Citations should conform to the most updated edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.


Expedited Reviews 

When requesting expedited reviews of previously submitted articles, please do so via ExpressOor by Please include “request for expedited review” somewhere in the subject line of the email.




During the school year, the Managing Articles Editors will notify authors promptly regarding a decision concerning their hard copy and/or electronic submission. However, during the summer months of June, July, and August only electronic submissions will be reviewed. Hard copy manuscripts received during the summer months will be reviewed promptly in September.

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